The Current State of Affairs: Opportunities and Challenges for Africa

January 7, 2023


Keynote Speaker: His Excellency Dr Kandeh Yumkella Former UN Under Secretary General and Special Representative Sustainable Energy for All, Sierra Leone.

As international geopolitics and energy dependence influence the energy transition towards a green economy, we look at some of the policy shifts in African nations to attract major investments in green fuels and start-ups and the lessons to be learned.

When the question of the fuel price crisis across the globe came up during the World Climate Institute’s first Global Dialogue Series on Climate Leadership, H.E. Yumkella termed the current state of affairs in the energy sector in Africa as “concerning.”

He highlighted the impact Covid-19 has had on the African continent, primarily in the energy sector. “Investments in energy in Africa dropped by 30 per cent owing to the Covid-19 crisis and this has further slipped given the Russia-Ukraine war. Further highlighting how the lack of investment has crippled the transition to renewables and green fuel in Africa.

But all isn’t as gloomy as it seems”, he went on to add, focussing on the success stories of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda as shining examples in the bilateral and multilateral partnerships for transitioning to green energy.

His Excellency did not hold back on his criticism of the speed at which the transition is happening and the support the world is giving to Africa. He highlighted that only 2 per cent of the total renewable energy investments across the world come to Africa while the potential for solar and wind in Africa is highest across the globe.

He ended his remarks with a call for global investment in green infrastructure in Africa to further the efforts for fight against climate change.

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